Italian Hot Chocolate Recipe

A full mug of rich hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings is the perfect way to start a wintry morning. If you have never tried Italian style hot chocolate (Cioccolata Calda), follow this easy recipe to learn how to make the best hot chocolate. Look at this Yummy thick, smooth, creamy and warm Italian Hot Chocolate!

Ingredients:(2-4 servings)

  • 1½ cups (360ml) Milk
  • 1-2 tablespoons Sugar
  • 1 tablespoon (8g) Cocoa powder
  • 4 oz (115g) Dark chocolate (70%)
  • 1-2 tablespoons (7.5-15g) Cornstarch
  • Pinch salt
  • Whipped cream + cocoa powder/chocolate shavings for serving 

Here is the Method

First chop 115g of Dark chocolate like below.



Then add 2tbsp of cornstarch and 120ml Milk to a small bowl and stir until incorporated and smooth like below and keep aside.



Now add 1tbsp of Cocoa powder, 2tbsp of Sugar, pinch of salt and 240ml of Milk to a Sauce Pan and Put on stove.

Mix with a whisk on low to medium heat and bring it to simmer like below.



Now add the Cornstarch mixture to the Saucepan and whisk until slightly thickens and then add chopped chocolate like below.



Now turn the heat off. 

Whisk until melted the chocolate and thick.

Now pour in to mug like below.



Now you have to whip some heavy cream like below.



Then garnish with whipped cream and Chocolate shavings like below.


Enjoy!! and Tell us how was it!

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