Healthy Chicken Salad Recipe

This Chicken salad is very healthy dish if you are trying to lose your weight, because this chicken salad makes you fill after the meal and this salad is filled with quality nutrients of proteins, vitamins and healthy fat. Hence this Healthy chicken salad is not only for ones who are trying to lose weight but also who are trying to gain lean muscle mass with proteins. And also this salad add medicinal value for your whole body which make your body filled with quality nutrients and smooth digestive system. And yes this salad is Yummy!! So let's get started!

Ingredients for the chicken:

3 Chicken breasts, skinless 
1-2 tablespoons Oil
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/4 teaspoon Pepper
1 teaspoon Garlic powder
1 teaspoon Paprika
1 teaspoon Dried oregano

Ingredients for the Salad:

2-3 Celery stalks, chopped
1/2 Green apple, chopped
3 Green onions, chopped
1/4 Red onion, chopped
2 tablespoons Parsley, chopped
4-5 leaves Lettuce, chopped 
1/2 cup (45g) Almonds, chopped or any other nuts
1/2 cup (65g) Dried cranberries/raisins

Ingredients For the dressing:

4 tablespoons Mayonnaise, low fat
1 tablespoon Greek yogurt, low fat
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons Lemon juice
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste

Here is the Method

1. Take a bowl and add oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, oregano and paprika. Mix until combined all the ingredients. Place the chicken in the bowl and mix until full coated like below.



 Let marinate for 1 hour (optional).

2. Heat a large pan or skillet over medium heat, add oil then Add marinated chicken and cook for 4-5 minutes on each side like below.



Remove from heat and set aside to cool like below.


Now after cool down, cut chicken breast into small pieces and add to a bowl like below



Now add chopped celery, chopped apple, cranberries, chopped green onion, chopped red onion, chopped parsley, chopped almonds, chopped lettuce over chicken pieces like below.



Now is time for the dressing!


Take a small bowl, add 4 tbsp low fat Mayonnaise, 1 tbsp of low fat greek yogurt, 2 tbso of lemon juice, 1 tbsp of Dijon mustard and Pepper and salt for the taste. And whisk until combined and smooth like below



And now mix until well combined.




And Tell us How it went and the Taste!

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