Chicken Fricassée (Quick French Chicken Stew) Recipe


Chicken Fricassée is a  French chicken stew made with well browned chicken and braised in a creamy white mushroom sauce. Creamy white thickness of the gravy make this chicken stew great and give the best taste that chicken can embrace. This dish is a perfect Main course for your Lunch or dinner. Along with rice is a good combination which enrich with quality proteins, carbs and healthy fat. So let's get started.

Ingredients (You can use ingredients with matching amounts to your desired portion)

  • Chicken Pieces
  • Butter
  • White Button Mushrooms
  • Sliced Onion
  • Flour
  • Chopped Garlic
  • Chicken Stock
  • Wine
  • Cream
  • Bay leaves & Thyme

Here is the Method

First take your Chicken and season with Salt and pepper to taste like below.

Take a Saucepan and add butter. Allow to melt it like below with medium heat like below.

Now add your chicken and brown them for 4 - 5 minutes until nice and gold. Then turn and cook the other side for just 1 minute. Do this process until you brown your all chicken parts. You may have to brown the chicken in separate times according to the size of your Sauce pan and the portion of the chicken.

Now put aside your chicken and add Onion slices, Mushrooms, Bay leaves and Thyme in to the Same Pan which you browned your chicken.

Then sauté the onions, mushrooms, thyme and bay leaves for around 5 minutes in the residual butter like below.

After that chopped garlic and flour. Keep mixing for a minute.

Now add the wine salt and pepper and chicken stock and Stir well, scraping the base of the pot to dissolve all the golden bits stuck on the base of the pot into the sauce.

Now put your chicken in the pan skin side up. The braising liquid will keep the chicken nice and juicy, while the chicken will absorb the flavored sauce.

After the chicken is in the sauce, bring the liquid back up to a simmer. Cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes.

Remove the lid then simmer for a further 20 minutes. so the sauce will reduce and thicken into a thin gravy.

After that Remove chicken from the sauce, Add the cream, stir, then bring the sauce back up to a simmer.

Once the sauce comes back up to a simmer turn of the heat, return the chicken to the sauce. Garnish with chopped parsley. That is it!!!  

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